Selecting notes
In this tour, you will learn which techniques you can use to select notes in Melodyne prior to editing them.
Standard selection techniques
Click a note in the Note Editor to select it. Selected notes are more boldly colored.
[Command]-click additional notes to add them to the selection.
[Command]-clicking a selected note removes it from the selection.
Another way of selecting multiple blobs is to lasso them by clicking the background in one corner of the desired selection and then dragging the pointer to the corner diagonally opposite. This is sometimes called rubber-banding. If you hold down the [Command] key, you can add a further rubber-band selection to the existing one. You can also add individual notes to the selection (or remove them from it) by [Command]-clicking.
To select a passage (i.e. a series of notes), click the first note of the series and then [Shift]-click the last (or vice versa).
Snake selection
If you press the [Shift] key, click a note and then move the mouse pointer away, Melodyne’s snake selection mode is activated. You can now add notes to the selection by painting over them with the snake.
If you move the mouse (and thereby the snake) backwards again, you can remove notes previously painted over from the selection.
Selection using the Pitch Ruler
Click a note in the Pitch Ruler to select notes of the corresponding pitch.
If cycle mode is active, the selection only affects such notes if they lie within the cycle range.
By [Command]-clicking other notes in the Pitch Ruler, you can add them to the selection and later remove them by the same means.
If you double-click, as opposed to single-clicking, a note in the Pitch Ruler, you will select the same note in all octaves rather than simply that single instance of the note.
Click and drag in the Pitch Ruler to select a range of notes.
By using the [Command] key in the Pitch Ruler, you can remove from the selection a range of notes or individual notes. Here too, if a cycle is active, only notes within the cycle range will be selected.
Selection commands in the menu
In the Edit menu and the context menu of the Note Editor, you will find the command Select All and the Select Special sub-menu, which contains a number of more sophisticated options.
The command Restore Last Selection reverses the last selection step, thereby restoring the selection that was active beforehand. This is useful if you are in the process of performing a complex selection and accidentally shoot astray, causing the selection to disappear. By clicking Restore Last Selection, you can retrieve it.
The command Invert Note Selection deselects all selected notes and selects all notes that were previously not selected. The commands that follow are similarly self-explanatory, allowing you to select all the notes that follow, all notes of the same pitch, all notes of the same pitch in all octaves, and so on.
The command Select Fifths Above and Below in All Octaves selects tones a fifth above and below the selected tones in all octaves. All the Select commands in the second subdivision of the menu operate on the cycle zone only if cycle mode is active.
The two commands that follow, Select Same Beat in All Bars and Select Notes Between Locators, are also self-explanatory. The last command in the list, Rotate and Select Hidden Notes is designed to help out when you have notes that overlap or completely cover others. It does so by switching the display from layer to layer, selecting at each successive layer the newly revealed note, so that you can see it more easily and drag it.